Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Checks Didn't Clear?

And just like that, D&D YouTube is nearly dead.

I wonder if the money being paid by companies pushing D&D to up-rank D&D YouTube channels hasn't run out. YouTube asks these creators, "Got an idea for another channel?"

Was D&D YouTube's "popularity" artificial? Was it all just paid corporate ranking? Were all those creators, often putting in long hours, being "paid" pennies by the hour to push a game, just free advertising for Wall Street companies?

You must ask yourself, "Is being an unpaid content creator even a worthwhile investment of time?" YouTube will pull the plug on an entire community; that is it—lights out. Please make a new channel covering the next thing Wall Street wants to be popular.

Is Marvel Rivals popular? Bey-Blade? Go make videos for that. On a side note, I think Marvel Rivals is killing interest in D&D right now. The next colossal fad has arrived.

D&D may be dying in its 2014-2024 5E lifecycle.

Live by the d8 longsword, die by the d4 hit die.

I really don't know what to say. The easy money is gone. I am sorry to see many of them leave, but I am happy the abusive reliance on a big tech company is finally ending.

You are free now.

Many of you are talented creators, and you have the drive and talent to succeed outside of the D&D space. Those who transform themselves entirely and re-compose that existing audience into something new and not D&D-related may be the ones who emerge from this rebirth.

And, likely, for the better.

If you are still in the tabletop space, prepare for some hard work. Leave the platform, go to another site, and build an audience that will not be taken away from you. Play a game from a hungry team that cares about its community. You must make a loyal audience, one subscriber at a time.

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