Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Pathfinder 2

Recently, some dumb things were said by the game's designer.

The tweet was taken down.

I am not quitting the game or putting this in storage, but the entire episode is disappointing. There is very little respect or self-control on social media. Every moment like this is fuel for the fire and a reason for the other side to go on a tirade. The wounds here are self-inflicted.

Pathfinder 2 is a great game. A considerable team put a lot of work into this. Episodes like this, where the already small and fragile community is divided again, hurt the games we love. I am still keeping my Paizo subscriptions. I will give them a while and see what happens. In a year, I will reconsider.

Shadowdark manages to walk the line in the current year just fine. The meek shall inherit the Earth, and they shall inherit gaming. Shadowdark is the better game. Everyone can play. This "be a good person" culture is part of the Shadowdark community.

This game is one of the few exceptions in the modern era of gaming.

How are we supposed to talk with each other and change the minds of others if we can't even sit at the same gaming table?

And my thoughts go back to D&D 3.5. Nobody cares to gatekeep a dead game. Perhaps D&D 3.5E is superior to Pathfinder 2 for this one reason alone.

There comes a point when I am so sick of "current year stupid" that I cease to care about the hobby at all. This hobby is so infected and diseased that every new book published today is suspect. They will let you down. Someone will say something. The culture vultures will descend from both sides. You will be forced to pick a side and be labeled something.

Current-day gaming is mostly a trap.

Stay away from it.

Play dead games.

Or the very few that keep their tables open to all.

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