So, did D&D 2024 drop the orc as a monster?
Thank you.
I give them points for being honest and telling customers who enjoy movies like Lord of the Rings and old-school gaming to stay away from their game. The current books look like a joke designed by people who are bitter and angry at the hobby. The 2024 books aren't D&D.
And if 5E is still your thing?
Tales of the Valiant has orcs. They are also a socially conscious company that makes a good game.
Level Up Advanced 5E has orcs. EN World is very socially conscious.
Shadowdark has orcs. Another progressive group here and a disciplined team.
Outside of 5E? OSRIC has orcs. Along with every other OSR game I can think of.
Pathfinder 2 Remaster has orcs, and this is Paizo, a very progressive company. I wish they could stay on message, and I hope their current bad press blows over. Wizards may have just saved Pathfinder again by doing something more stupid that will take the headlines off of them.
People at Paizo are probably cheering this news right now.
Want an even more progressive company that makes an excellent game? Cypher System has orcs on page 347. You can have progressive companies with their heads screwed on straight and who make great stuff. They know certain things are part of the hobby; they try to appeal to the traditional gaming customers and don't let their HR departments write their games.
The D&D owners and designers did this to make people angry and get in the news. It is the same old sad "outrage marketing" where "you are either with us or against us." They want to paint all these other games in a bad light, which is wrong, hurts the hobby, and divides us. Go away, clickbait anger marketing. Go away, like the entire Internet era that fostered you.
Social media killed the hobby.
We can return to being a niche group of friends playing games we like.
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