Monday, January 27, 2025

Please No More AI RPG Books

There is a trend in PDF game books to fill them with AI art and text, slap a cover on them, and ship them as books to "fill shelves." Random tables are filled with AI-generated results. AI art is splashed across pages. Only a handful of things in the book have any human input or thought behind them, or, honestly, I can't really tell.

What AI is doing is killing the market.

I see these books, and I turn away.

The AI art generation is bringing in a ton of censorship by corporations; even slightly risqué, historically accurate, or mildly offensive pieces are getting banned in masse. These programs would ban most of the 1990s cheesecake comics art by Marvel and DC. Violent and dark art is forbidden. Most of the classic Boris Vallejo or Frank Frazetta-style art is banned. Mentions of historical events that happened in real life have been erased.

AI is the corporate takeover of imagination and free expression.

It is massive corporate censorship.

It is the rewriting of history.

When an administration or government comes into power that doesn't like what you are saying or creating, your free expression will get turned off. Your grammar checkers will be turned off, leaving you sounding uneducated. Your AI art tools will be taken away. Your accounts will be closed.

You will become a digital non-person without a voice.

By relying on these tools or perpetuating the creators that use them, you will eventually be part of the Great Silencing to come. I feel bad since AI enables creators to have things they never could imagine doing.

But the damage outweighs the good here.


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