I still like the game; the company is handling this terribly.
Ugh, what a disaster.
Some progressive companies do it right; they don't feed into division and anger. They keep the door open for everyone to join the table and share ideas - this is how minds change and discussions begin. Good people and great ideas will win in the end.
Other companies are ticking time bombs, and this applies to both sides. They lack the discipline to put the customer first. They go off the cuff and "say stuff" to be popular. We saw this with Wizards many times, and it was almost weekly. I am rethinking my support of these companies since it is only a matter of time before they blow it.
These games by teams like this aren't worth supporting since you will regret sinking money into them. Sooner or later, something will be said, and the games will be put in the garage. They will end up being a waste of money and time.
Paizo's designer engaged in gatekeeping, which should never be okay. You can't say, "Gatekeeping is terrible," then turn around and do it yourself. I know it was the silly season of an election, but still, when you are on a team, you need to step up and show that discipline. The company's messaging is a mess and all over the place. This is another example of their lack of discipline. They are falling down trying to respond.
Look at the NFL; teams that lack discipline blow it and fall apart in the playoffs. The season is over, and I don't care how many games you have won during the regular season. You blew it.
Shadowdark is an excellent example of how to do business. They are also a reasonably progressive team, but one of their core values is keeping the game open for everyone and not closing doors or inviting political discussion into their community. They show a lot of respect to the creators of the hobby and the original ways we played the game back then.
The amount of discipline the Shadowdark team has amazes me in this day and age. They have their stuff together. They can control messaging and tone. They want to be a space people can escape to, so we can all game together and find an escape in a world where there is often no escape from the current thing.
They are the NFL team that has their act together.
Despite being an old-school gamer, I am still reasonably open-minded about many things. And here's the thing: the people with the best ideas will win the discussion. Why do we want to wall our tables off and only invite people who think one way? Don't we want a chance to have that discussion and convince others to have open minds and see things in other ways?
That may not be possible anymore.
The hobby as a social function may be dead.
Paizo's missteps only confirm what we already know.
Play dead, niche, and more minor games from teams with the discipline to deliver.
These mass market games?
Mistakes waiting to happen.
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