Tuesday, May 14, 2024

ToV PDF Thoughts, Part 6


Kobold Press released a conversion guide that lists the differences between ToV and 5E. 

One intriguing aspect is how rituals are handled in Level Up A5E and the SRD. Here, a ritual is a tag applied to a spell, and it's fascinating to see how this differs from ToV. In the SRD and D&D, some ritual spells can be cast as usual or as a ritual.

In ToV, spellcasting classes have some rituals that can be prepared daily. Dual-use rituals and regular spells have been eliminated. Rituals can be learned freely, but only a certain number can be prepared.

It's a positive shift that brings ToV closer to D&D 4E. This change suggests that some spells should only be a ritual, like Raise Dead in the SRD (and Level Up). In these systems, it's a normal spell that consumes a 5th-level spell slot, takes an hour to cast, and lacks a ritual tag. This means the 5th-level spell slot is used up after casting, which could be seen as a limitation.

Why shouldn't this just be a ritual? It isn't a combat spell, so why not? If my character knows Raise Dead, they could raise dead all day, once per hour, provided the diamonds hold out. Rituals are spells casters collect and "slot in" if they think they will need one today.

Plus, why confuse the spell system and overcomplicate it with the old "some spells are rituals, some are both" and so on? Some spells are rituals and go in a list, and are tracked via a "number of rituals known" number. All the other spells are expected. Like the "cantrip split" with a particular category of spells, it streamlines spellcasting nicely.

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