Wednesday, May 15, 2024

2024 PHB Cover

The new cover of the 2024 PHB sucks. People are nitpicking about this or that, and most of it is silly.

Why don't I like it?

The "big bad" of the scene, the red dragon, is shoved all the way, half off the bottom, and covered up by the text. Two kobolds, the only other threat, and half cut off the side of the page. There is no threat. There is no danger. It is all pushed off the page and covered up by text.

A giant gold dragon head—a good dragon—hovers over them, more prominent than anything else on the page. The cover has the message, "Game is easy, GMNPC gold dragon will protect you, nothing can hurt you."

What were they thinking?

There is no threat, flow, or focus, and the composition of things on the page as a book cover is horrendous. As interior art, this is great. As a cover, it fails horribly.

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