Wednesday, May 29, 2024

I'm Switching to Linux

For the few creative apps I can't use elsewhere, I have a Mac, and this is where I will use them.

But I've had it with Microsoft like I have had it with a few companies. The entire operating system is turning into an advertisement, and I can't get any peace and quiet on this thing to think, write, and create. They shove another ad in every corner and every bit of blank space.

I get on a computer, and I am not allowed to think for myself.

Every blip, bleep, popup, reminder, notification, alarm, sales offer, and push notification stresses me more. After a while, it feels like being addicted to cable news. Every 5 minutes, the news breaks, and you rush to the television. I have to turn on music to distract me from all the other crap happening on this thing.

I am out of this hell.

I want my mind back.

I want my creative space.

I want my quiet.

It feels like trying to write a novel in a subway station on this thing. I get 10 minutes of quiet before a subway train rolls in, a loud crowd pushes by, and my flow is gone.

Sorry, I have to go. Another notification just popped up.

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