Sunday, April 3, 2022

Ninjas & Superspies: In-Line Character Sheets

Creating cool character sheets is another thing I am doing to prep for my Ninjas & Superspies campaign. Okay, what do you mean by cool? Well, for one, it has to work with my copy & paste skill selection and sorting method, so it has to be in MS Word.

What I did was create a document and copy what was on the official N&S character sheet. This looks a little like the formatted characters when you see them in the books, but with a little more spacing and room. I made this two-column to match the typical Palladium layout too, and to save a little space. Notice I added the saving throws that were hiding in the book somewhere? I originally did a beyond the supernatural character sheet that HAD the saving throws, so I decided to find them and add them to this sheet to make sure they got used during the game.

My Beyond the Supernatural character sheet is above, and you may notice a few differences. The saving throws are different. The "spy stuff" like nationality and cover identity is gone. BTS' Perception stat has been added. Chi is replaced by PPE and ISP. N&S has a pain category of saving throw, while BTS has two types of magic and also psionics.

These let me create a new file for each character, and as skills, abilities, gear, and notes are added the sheet just keeps filling out. I don't really expect this to go beyond one sheet of paper, two columns, and double-sided, but it could.

Is it as pretty as an official character sheet? No. It does let me copy & paste and type in values, which is 100 times better than using a pencil on the "officially too small to write on" standard character sheets. My eyes are just not that good anymore, and if I can type, I will do that. If I can't use the spreadsheet generation (Rifts and PFRPG only), this style of the character sheet is my next best option.

Also, if I need a new section, like an agent gets a secondary martial art form, copy & paste, fill in the new data, and I am done.

Having sheets like this is the difference of whether these games will be played or not, at least for me.

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