Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Palladium Fantasy RPG: Interactive Character Sheet

If your eyes are not what they used to be, and you find the printable Palladium Fantasy character sheets that you can download pretty much well unusable, this is a great product. You are going to spend a little time learning how this works, but it is a lot less time than you would spend working up your own sheet (or struggling with the official ones). The printouts are way more readable than what I can fill in on those sheets that force you to write 6-point type in pencil.

The only downside is now I want one for the other Palladium games (Ninjas and Superspies, Dead Reign, Heroes Unlimited, etc) besides Palladium Fantasy and Rifts. There is a little room for custom skills and classes in here so you can customize this sheet for specific characters.

It gives you three printable sheets for the character sheet (double-sided), magic (double), and combat (single). The sheet auto-calculates everything, so you don't need to do much math, and you need to follow along with the OCC selections and skill picks with the books - the sheet does not do everything. This is more like a worksheet that holds your hand and does all the math; while the choices and the character design steps you need to do yourself.

The nice part about these sheets is you can save on the cloud and have your characters wherever you go. Make a fresh copy of the sheet for each character!

Also, you can save a dollar buying from the Palladium store since DTRPG takes a cut.

Very highly recommended. Also, it requires Microsoft Excel.

DriveThru RPG ($4):


Palladium Store ($3):


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