Saturday, August 20, 2022

One D&D: Waiting for the New Edition

Sorry, Wizards, I've been through these rolling playtests before with D&D 4 Essentials, where you progressively release books, tweak the rules, adjust monster stats, and make the game a tangle of rules patches introduced in later books. After a while, we are begging for a new edition to clean up the mess.

I would rather wait for the new 6E core books instead of trying to play a taped-together game.

The same thing happened to me (a few times) when I bought into a playtest and had a shelf full of late-lifecycle books I could not use.

The "One D&D" name is also not great and feels exclusionary to me, almost like a billionaire-run tech company trying to eliminate choice and competition. Please don't turn into a Meta/Facebook/Whatever where forcing people onto a platform or game becomes more important than having fun with friends.

Please support the diversity and choice of how people want to play tabletop games.

The hobby is bigger than one game, one company, or one way of thinking and playing.

D&D is for all.

Not one.

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