Thursday, January 19, 2023

The OGL: No Saving Throw

My D&D books are in storage, and I am likely selling them all. I don't care if I get pennies on the dollar, I am done with Wizards and their threats to the OGL 1.0a, and I am done with the OGL in any version entirely.

It is like someone borrowing and wrecking one of your cars and wanting to start a "discussion" on them borrowing the other.

Why should I participate in their silly OGL 1.1 discussion? To me, the OGL 1.0a is forever, but I have stopped caring about it - who cares what they do - because the community and the rest of the industry are moving on to better things. At this point, Wizards uses silly used-car salesman tactics to pull people back into D&D Beyond.

"If you don't return, we may cancel the OGL 1.0a! Please join the discussion!"

So what? Everyone is moving on. I am not interested in discussing what you will graciously allow me to do. I can already do it elsewhere, with people that want my business.

And I have renewed my full-court-press Pathfinder 2e and Starfinder subscriptions.

I support the good guys. The union shop there is run by the workers. Not Wall Street. Period.

D&D and the OGL are over to me; no saving throw allowed.

I have gaming and adventures to look forward to, not drama to chase.

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