Saturday, July 13, 2024

Level Up: Gateway

This is exciting news, Level Up Advanced 5E is getting a character creator. See the announcement above. This is big news since creating A5E characters is a chore, especially since there are nearly double the things to note and write down compared to a game like Tales of the Valiant. It takes me 30 minutes to go through the process, and the official "form fill" character sheet is a bit too tight for all you need to record.

"Character sheets" are a massive weakness in gaming; every game has a different one, and none of them import into VTTs without serious software development time. I swear the industry needs to develop a "common character sheet format." like a PDF-style form (or accepted file format), and standardize that on all platforms.

Even Tales of the Valiant's work with Hero Lab feels very beta. At this time, exporting to PDF and printing aren't even supported. I want Kobold Press' other books added to the system. A better option for many games is still the highly moddable classic desktop app.

I wish Level Up well and would love to join in the beta. I know these projects are huge and take a lot of time and development work, so I know how huge this is and how it could go wrong. Still, I am hopeful and will be using this tool since the game needs it desperately.

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