Minecraft Report: Fish Pond, Chicken Machine, Horses and Fun Stuff
We had a friend Keegan log in to our server and he quickly criticized our muddy old fishing trough, a small little strip of water in the garden we would fish up dinner from, so he went about making the castle a proper replacement:
Ye Olde Muddy Peasant Fishing Hole |
Ye new exquisite royal fishing POND! Thanks Keegan! |
It has awesome overhanging trees, a nice and deep, a waterfall, a secret, and a couple lily pads. A wonderful addition to the scene.
Another thing he added was a chicken machine. A way to auto farm eggs (kind like those chicken farms where the stock sits in a cage and a hopper collects the eggs, I prefer free range chickens, but we need eggs!):
Chickens are penned up here. |
| |
Eggs get collected here. |
Hak got a puppy!
Need a good name for the dog. |
I had a saddle I got fishing, so I gave to 'cowboy' Keegan so he could round himself up a fine horse he will name Chestnut:
I will love him and feed him and name him CHESTNUT. |
Keegan added a water pit to our spiral staircase of doom so I would stop killing myself falling. IT'S A 500 MPH YOLO DROP!
Hold to your lunch. |
Also our deep core mining tunnels produced a load of redstone and a small pile of diamonds. Our goal is to get to the first bedrock layer where the good stuff is and get some TNT to do some controlled blasting. Eventually we are going to build a large mining chamber with a lattice of sub tunnels like in the James Bond movie 'A View to a Kill'. Notice my awesome super-claustrophobic mining shafts! Built like a Boss!
Deep Core Mining Hub 0001 Sub-Level A. Grab a pulse rifle... |
Ya these go on for miles...we can't get lost... |
It's fun to see people add things to the castle and see what creative ideas they add to the sandbox! My next task is to create a yard for the chickens and an external veggie farm, and an outhouse. Hak has his job cut out for him enlarging and fixing up the castle.
HAK! We got a CAVERN under the CASTLE! |
All in all a fun game to share with bro's and I hope to see what other visitors can add to the place.
The Early Days of Season #1 (dang fugly navigation post - lol) |
You are more than welcome to join in and help out!
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