Saturday, December 7, 2024

DCC version of 5E? Advanced Advantage?

Is Goodman Games making its own version of 5E? The next Kickstarter (Terror from the Underdeep) will have a playtest rules packet for this. Check 1:10 on the above video.

Please use the Zocchi dice! I would rather have them rewrite all of 5E and integrate the Zocchi dice. They say they don't want to "replace 5E" but "enhance it."

I would rather have them rewrite it all, release books with their art style, remake all the monsters, and just go whole hog with this. Companies come and go trying to replace 5E, and the 5E players are more D&D Beyond players these days, but a "Z5E" written and presented like DCC would be awesome.

Part of me gets excited about projects like this, but another part feels like new 5E games are tilting at windmills. DCC is still one of the best 3.5E implementations ever written, and I would love to see a 5E done that way.

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