Friday, August 23, 2024

2024 is 1984

D&D Beyond removed all the individual data entries for the 2014 spells, gear, and other "low-level" items and is forcing you to use the 2024 versions instead.

If you're a user of the service, it's hard not to feel a sense of loss. The '2014' content you've invested in, the ability to play the 2014 game 'as was', is now out of your control. You may own the 2014 book, but everything in it will be from the 2024 books. It's a frustrating situation, possibly due to something in an EULA that limits your rights.

Don't play games that force you to use a website to play it or hide the game's "true complexity" behind online tools.

Nothing beats a pencil, paper, books, and an imagination.

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