Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Really Undermonetized?

Another day, another stupid thing in the news about a particular game company and, "What did they do this time?"

You need to think hard about what you are supporting. Any support you give companies like this, even older editions, tells them you want this to continue. You put money in the pockets of those who use coercion and force against the community. Yes, this is likely some people's livelihood and YouTube money, and some cannot walk away. For some, it is their community.

But I walked away.

I can't support this.

And covering up for disgusting behavior, and putting a smile on that face, is a massive turn-off for me.

More and more, accepting that their game died and I was not returning was the right decision for me. I don't have to make excuses, say "well..." or convince myself that supporting older editions (when those still support them and feed the current one) will make it any better.

These things happening, the things they say, prove they have not changed for the better, listened to anyone, or cared about feedback.

The top people at every level need to go. Even the parent company. This is how we start. This is the only way we make sure it never happens again.

Then again, I gave up on them, so I did not care. You choose to support their products, and you open yourself up to this treatment - and support it happening to others. Hearing about their unacceptable behavior, sending muscle to enforce their Wall Street monetization plans, hearing the latest stupid thing they said, seeing the pain they cause communities, or having to make another excuse for them is negativity I don't need in my life.

And it is effortless to make your life 100% better.

Walk away.

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