As an in-game resource, I can't see how I would play without these, as they give me a quick NPC stat and skill block to quickly create a character from. With a little modification, you can swap skills and boost abilities for a customized NPC if you so desire, the baselines are solid enough that you could mod these cards for talented individuals or elite storm-trooper squads with little effort, and it sure beats flipping through the book for NPC stats.
I would like to see new decks covering the galaxy's monsters, Jedi and Sith, pirates and spacers, and even notable NPCs from the movies. I could see these cards going off in many useful directions, and I would also love to see cards covering starship, vehicle, or equipment stats, complete with pictures and the rules for each. I would go to the dark side just to get decent starfighter stat cards, those would be a cool and useful addition and help me greatly when players hop in their X-Wings and start blasting TIEs.
Right now there are only three decks, and after reading and sorting through these, I went to the store looking for more in the series. There aren't any more packs beyond the original three, so I am hoping these decks take off and we have a greater selection in the future. I want more of these, and I would love to see these expanded upon.
Like a second set of Star Wars RPG Dice, these are must-haves for running the game, and they are a great tool to prevent a referee from 'winging NPC stats' and playing fast-and-loose with the rules. While I can wing it in a pinch, I prefer to play by the rules in order to get the full game experience, and this includes NPC stats. A great resource, fun, imaginative, and with pictures of citizens of the galaxy that inspire and give you ideas for adventures in this universe. Recommended.
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