Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Why More D&Ds?

I love this take; why do we need more D&Ds? Check this video out and subscribe; I watch his videos a lot.

We have so many retro-clones, clones of every edition, new takes, fresh takes, and slightly different versions of the same thing. Why do we need new versions of 5E? We have a few out there (A5E, Low Fantasy Gaming) and a huge one in development (Black Flag).

As for D&D-alikes, the excellent and tactical Pathfinder 2e is out there.

3.5-alikes? Pathfinder 1e.

OSR? Too many to count. Gonzo OSR with Dungeon Crawl classics is the way to go for me.

Sci-fi? Starfinder or Traveller are great games.

Rosetta-stone games? Castles & Crusades is "every D&D" and is being revised to eliminate the OGL entirely.

I am playing Dungeon Fantasy, which is GURPS, and it is a fun change of pace. It clears my head and cleans my palette for all the D&D-like games I just want a break from.

And I am not going back to 5E or Wizards. They don't want players or dungeon masters like me in their "brave new digital world." They want subscription customers who play on their monetized 3d VTT. If you play elsewhere or on an old-fashioned table face-to-face with your friends - it does not seem like they want you as a customer.

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