Thursday, November 7, 2013

Minecraft Update Season #1

Stained Glass and Chicken Bomb

Another day in season 1 world where we get some more done on our home castle. So far its shaping up.

Pumpkin Head....cha..cha..cha...*draws knife*....
On week one of our server, mighty Keegan of "Minecrafter's Home Glass LLC of Las Vegas" bestowed upon us stained glass...and it was good.
Not just good! Super awesome! And it comes with a lifetime replacement warranty!
Keegan also built a portal.

 We went through.

Black Rock Depths for you WoW  players...even has orcs. I want to build a castle here! Keegan said it was too dangerous, I DON'T BELIEVE HIM! It looked perfectly safe...


Here is the newer Deep Core hub, we are going to redo it too look like Stargate: SG1 so it's a work in progress:

Remember the chicken machine? Since a Creeper attack nearly destroyed it, Hak built a bunker around it. The fun part is that the big crate is 1/3 full of eggs now, in a day...I wonder if it will explode...

The newer back throne room Hak was working on is nearly done!

Gorgeous but it needs to be Stormwind big.

The Nav-Pole is still there, and I need to get an external farm going for my garden and make a place to park horses here:

 CASTLE GUTS, much improved, bigger so we can partition into player rooms:

HAK's puppy...awww....he's lonely...
KEEGAN's stuff! No touch!
 Deep Core has reached the bedrock, now to find a way deeper to Deeper Core mine...the search continues...

Who knew trees grew underground?!

 Overall though season #1 is turning out fun, we have yet to go out and explore the world too!
Dang fugly nav pole...

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