This old Castle, and Great Railway to Adventure
I have been experimenting with a monorail system. |
Well, well, we find ourselves making progress in bite-sized chunks! But this is the fun thing about Minecraft, it's a huge sandbox and you play at your own pace doing various project to civilize your own little world. We have shifted from surviving to actually building out our base.
We added a new, bigger garden to make growing lot of crops easier. A lot easier than the old courtyard as seen in previous episodes.
Viola! The new victory gah'den with ample space. I found a cart too! Yay, we are going to add a pig farm. |
Looks stunning at night, no? |
Waterfall for a zen-like dramatic effect. |
Double-sized cow ranch and slimes too. |
Hak has been doing gangbusters on the castle rebuild, we are expanding the foundation by 1.5 times and switching to grey stone bricks.
Here I am helping Hak with the foundation work. |
The space underneath will be used to fluff out the basement. |
The addition expands around back too. |
One thing we have found is that in Minecraft once you start settling in to your own home town you start branching out to other areas in search of biomes for raw resources. The plan is to build satellite stations or base camps where we can use as a base to find dungeons and NPC villages. I have an idea to build a powered rail tramway between the hub so we can cross great distances with just a little fuss. It requires a TON of iron for all the railwork, but is very fun when you are done.
Down on the south edge is what looks like jungle so we will build a station on the extreme south edge. |
To the north-east is a huge mountain area, and I have see some obsidian laced valleys, so I plan on making a base out there. |
The monorail is in its beginning stages and the powered rails make the trip speedy and automatic.
I tired to light it up dramatically. |
It goes for miles. |
The beginning needs a proper station. |
This one goes to the north, and ends up in horse country. |
The castle proper is getting expanded. Hak has a dream for a nice place.
Getting there! |
Needs better frontage, and a rail station. |
Since we have established roads...HAK TOOK DOWN MY (fugly) NAV-TOWER! |
Need bigger throne room. Yep. |
The view from the back guest rooms. Fabulous! |
You are moire than welcome to log into it and help our or even build your own addition, heck even running an exploration hub would be fun!
Oh Hak's puppy is fine!
Dawg needs a name. |
A bonus treat :) We are enrolled in the Everquest Next beta! When NDA permits, we will issue reports to our followers. It's a Minecraft style game as well, so I can't wait to see what you can do there too!
Rock on!
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